
Monday, July 14, 2014

Liberty, Age of Enlightenment, Complicated Exhibit

Detail of Study for Per Pacem et Libertatem, Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo

#BastilleDay. The goddess symbol of liberty holding aloft a torch from Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo's "Study under Per Pacem et Libertatem." Who is the original goddess of Liberty if not Marianne, "a national emblem of the French Republic, an allegory of liberty and reason, and a portrayal of the Goddess of Liberty," always depicted wearing a Phrygian cap.

The thinkers and movers of the Propaganda Movement and the Philippine Revolution, like Dr. Jose Rizal, Marcelo H. del Pilar, Andres Bonifacio, and Apolinario Mabini, to name a few, were the intellectual and philosophical heirs of the French Revolution and 18th century Europe's Age of Enlightenment.

You can view this particular boceto of Hidalgo and the rest of his ouvre at our ongoing exhibit Complicated, on view until 2 August 2014. Please call Tina at 6312417 for more details.

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